
Every beginning is founded on a story based on experience

Vestra was born out of the desire of Elsaco, an integrated group, which has been operating in Romania for over 25 years - to offer performance and specialization at a higher level, in the segment of providing equipment and services in the utilities and automation industry.

Vestra separated from the Elsaco group in 2015, when the main goal of the division became to bring the most efficient and high-quality solutions for both private and state customers in the field of utilities and industrial automation to the Romanian market.
We have collaborated with world leaders in a desire to provide companies with the best solutions for their daily challenges. Our portfolio of manufacturers also recommends us for the most complex projects.
We have been evolving with our customers for years and we are constantly adapting to the needs of the market. Vestra offers not only equipment, but a dedicated team that is constantly looking for the most efficient solutions for customer success.

Why us

Even from the beginning we decided to bring quality in the relationships, services and products we provide. Vestra does not sell equipment but builds bridges between the customer's problem and the solution he needs


Precision and quality in everything we do and offer. Services, relationships, products, events that will influence generations.

What We Do

We are the first cluster specialized in the utilities and industrial automation industry. We sell a wide range of measurement and control equipment, solutions for water and sewerage networks, as well as automation systems. We sell expertise and quality.

The path to success comes from the relationship you have with your partners - be they suppliers, customers or collaborators. To build a puzzle you need all the pieces to be placed exactly where they need to be.


Sistem de Management Integrat

Calitatea și grija faţă de oameni și mediu sunt priorităţile noastre în fiecare proiect

Pentru păstrarea prestigiului și menținerea unui nivel de competitivitate ridicat, VESTRA a optat pentru un Sistem de Management Integrat (SMI) care respectă cerinţele standardelor SR EN ISO 9001:2015 și SR EN ISO 14001:2015, având la bază susţinerea rolurilor relevante de management, pentru a demonstra leadership-ul acestora, angrenarea, direcţionarea şi susţinerea tuturor persoanelor, aşa cum se aplică zonelor lor de responsabilitate.

VESTRA consideră că Sistemul de Management Integrat reprezintă factorul determinant pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a companiei, prin stabilirea unor politici, strategii, programe şi practici pentru conducerea proceselor şi activitaţilor într-o manieră de încredere şi respect faţă de cei doi vectori ai Sistemului: CALITATE și MEDIU.